Supply Chain Management Journal 2019 Volume 10 Number 1

Supply Chain Management Journal
Volume 10
Number 1



The Digital Revolution – Shaping the Future of Leadership and Talent


Florin RADU
Valahia University of Târgovişte
Ionela CISMĂ
Valahia University of Târgovişte

Today, workplaces are undergoing a digital revolution which is helping to transform entire industries and forcing companies to change the way they operate. Digitization has the potential to increase productivity and efficiency, while also improving communication, and remote working is no longer an exception but an expectation.
Because areas such as leadership development and external talent acquisitions may require entirely different and innovative approaches in the new digital environments, organizations need to be prepared to move and evolve quickly, particularly to ensure each employee has the opportunity to participate in this new environment.
One of the most interesting things about the digital revolution’s impact upon leadership has been a change in perception regarding what constitutes a good leader. In the past, traditional leadership qualities included things like vision, conviction and a competitive drive, but views are now shifting slightly.
This article aims to show how the Digital Revolution and new techno-economic paradigms will challenge organizations and individuals to redefine and update their systems, acquire new skills and promote new mentalities.

digital, digitization, revolution, leadership, transformation, technology

June 2018, pp

Food safety and traceability in logistics activities


Mihaela ȘTEȚ
Technical University of Cluj Napoca

The paper deals with the issue of ensuring food safety in the supply chain. Maintaining the integrity and quality of products, the physical, chemical, microbiological, organoleptic characteristics during the delivery involves planning, organization, coordination and control of the labelling, packaging, storage, transport, transhipment, loading and unloading activities throughout the logistics chain, taking into account the characteristics of different types of food.
The study has as scope the identification and emphasizing of problems and drivers of food safety in supply chain. As a response to these challenges, the paper highlights measures and solutions in order to keep integrity and quality of food during deliveries. In this context, it is analysed the role of traceability in the improvement of supply chain management. There are also identified the difficulties in its implementation and use.

logistics, food safety, traceability, quality, transportation

June 2018, pp

Digitization in Service Industry. Consumer engagement through omni channel for growth shoppers experience and enthusiasm. Case study: Hotel Industry


Virgil POPA
Loredana ZABOU
Valahia University of Târgoviște

New technologies are enabling greater efficiency and more collaborative operating models; they’re also re-shaping the marketplace in ways that are only just beginning to become apparent. Customer experience includes the amount of all experiences: searching, purchasing, consuming and post-buying stages of experience, and, can also entail multiple channels of retail. Every time an organization interacts with a customer, the organization learns something about the client. By capturing, sharing, analyzing and acting on each information, the organizations can better manage the individual profitability of the customer. Omnichannel is the mix of all physical and digital channels that creates a unified and innovative customer experience. Customer engagement was defined as a sequential psychological process that the customers experience in order to become loyal to a brand, or can be defined as a behavioural manifestation focused all the time on a brand, an organization and can entail five dimensions: valence (positive or negative), shape and modality, purpose (temporal and geographic), nature and impact, the customer targets. The triangle digital technologies, data and engagement is the way to think about corporate strategy.
Companies that effectively manage digital technologies can expect to gain in one or more of their areas: better customer experiences and engagement, streamlined operations and new lines (Omni channels) of business or business models.
The research concerning hotel services and developing the new digital technologies in the field of hotel customer management by using every channel concerns both the customer as well as the hotel managers. The research concerning hotel managers took into account an exact number of hotels, in order to see the difference between the manager of a pizza shop/restaurant and those of a hotel manager regarding the use of new technologies in the sales process, as well as the way and level of customer engagement.

hospitality, digitization, customer experience, custome omnichannel, new technologies, digital channels, hotel service customers

June 2019, pp

Short Description 1


The future of Leadership in the Context of Artificial Intelligence


Patricia SAVU
Bogdan SAVU
Valahia University of Targoviste

Interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning has become accelerating and diversifying to say the least. The promise of AI in future business, though still somewhat speculative, is profound and envisions capabilities that were the stuf of science fiction just a few years ago.
The challenge of Artificial Intelligence in leadership is equally profound and requires answering to difficult questions and addressing thorny issues. What are the realistic promises that AI can make? How does AI intersect with other emerging human capabilities such as decision-making processes? How public and systemic expectations are managed and concerns allayed? And considering AI opportunities,
what can organizations do now to maximize their chances of success for gaining efficiency, research discovery and integration in today’s market? Well-informed and thoughtful leadership is essential to navigating these and other questions. We need to discuss this new normal, if we think about Siri, Alexa, Cortana or Google Assistant.

decision making, organizational machine learning, customer satisfaction

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