Authors Guide

For each issue of Supply Chain Management Journal are evaluated for publication only items falling into the issue announced. It is recommended that work be well structured to ensure clarity of content and the essence of the document. All entries must present original researches which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers presented at Supply Chain Management for Efficient Consumer Response conferences are allowed provided that they have not been published in full in the conference.Article must be accompanied by a declaration to be completed and signed by hand by the authors, then scanned. It can be downloaded here.
Tax Charge / URL submission is stipulated in Publication fee from Submission terms (see Submission terms).
Regarding the originality of the work we will bring to your attention the following considerations:
    • Our magazine is consistent to principles on intellectual property rights, discouraging any attempt at plagiarism, regardless of its forms – involuntary, self-plagiarism, voluntary assimilation of other people’s ideas etc. The author must take appropriate measures to avoid any of these situations regardless of their nature and gravity.
    • Please note that for verification articles submitted we apply specialized anti-plagiarism software used for Faculty of ​​Economics work undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and VJES magazine.
    • The editor reserves the right to reject the article and to decline in future articles published by authors who have committed plagiarism.
      Articles will be written in Romanian and in English. Please manifest great concern for accuracy of the translation in English. The editorial staff shall not accept for assessment items that can not be easily read in English.

1. Important Specifications

  • The journal is published twice a year, respectively in June (the first number in the year) and December (the second number in the year). For the June manuscripts must be sent until May 1 and for the December until 1 November.
  • After the deadline for submitting articles is check their eligibility classification given the theme of the article number and compliance requirements of “Author Guidelines”. The authors are informed by e-mail about the outcome of this step within 15 days. Eligible articles shall be sent to reviewers for peer-review. Peer-review site takes 30 days, and the authors are informed of its results.
  • Articles must have 12 to 20 pages, A5 format (this format you have in the layout of the article to which you access and download the guideline at the end) written in Verdana 10 point, single spaced. The use of diacritics is required.
  • Entries submitted must be formatted in Word 2007 with the extension “.docx”.
  • Items that do not meet the requirements specified in this guide will be rejected before being sent to peer review.
  • The works are transmitted to magazine address:

2. Recommendations for drafting

The title of the work
The title should accurately reflect the content of the article and be consistent with this journal issues. Since search engines granted title highest importance, it is crucial that in the title be included terms that is likely to be used by readers to search for articles on the same subject.
The abstract
The abstract must include sufficient information for readers to judge the nature and significance of the topic. In order to increase visibility item, the summary should reiterate key words and phrases typical of the article in question, avoiding, however, unnecessary repetitions.
It is indicating in descending order of relevance, 5-8 keywords (words or phrases) that surprise the essence of ensuring correspondence with the title and abstract of the article, in line with recommendations made to them.
The introduction should serve familiarizing the reader with the content of the work in question, reiterating defining keywords for the item in question. It must specify the purpose of the article and the final part will address the problems / issues that will be dealt with further in the article.
Paper content
Article must be the result of a research in the field. Article structure must be logical and clearly highlight the titles and subtitles ranked properly, in accordance with the methodology of drawing up scientific texts. For readers to better understand the approach of the authors it will proceed with the next structuring of the material: Reviewing the scientific literature; Research Methodology; Results.
A conclusion section is required. It aims to synthesize the work contributions, to highlight its importance and to indicate any limitations and future research directions.

3. Rules on the format Article

Article title is capitalized, font Verdana 11, bold, centered at the top of the page.
The name of authors will be written under the title, single spaced, aligned right, including: university or institution, city, country and e-mail of the first author. Use Verdana, 10 point, bold, italic lowercase names and great characters to name. name of university/institution, city and country is written in bold, italic right aligned under each name. E-mail is written in the last block of information.
It will be written with Verdana, 10 point, italic. The title “Summary” is written right, bold, character 10 on a separate line above the abstract. It is necessary for him to have a number of 300-400 words, single spaced. In summary do not use abbreviations.
Body of the paper will be written in Verdana, 10 point, single spaced. Chapters and sub-chapters are written bold numbered, 10 point.
Tables and figures must be sized and placed in the body of the paper as the authors want to appear in the magazine. It should be careful that they fit on a single page. Their content will be written in Verdana, 10 point, and the heading of the tables will be written in Verdana, 10 point, bold. Title and number of figures and tables will be positioned above. Where appropriate it will mention the source which will be written below the figure or table. Number tables and figures in the text will be placed in a parenthesis, where they are mentioned, for example (Figure 1); (Table 1).
Graphics must be executed so as to provide clear black and white copies as legible.
Equations and formulas are numbered, placing the numbers in brackets on the side.
Abbreviations and acronyms will explain by first time appear in the text.
References, quotations and references
Supply Chain Management Journal magazine requires for the format of references, citations and bibliography Harvard style changed as presented in the end of those recommendations. Authors must respect the Article layout and Paper example.
The logical connection between the article title, abstract, keywords, content and conclusions should be respected consistently.
Articles that do not meet all the requirements of this guide will not be accepted for publication.
To facilitate the drafting of article of the journal requirements, we recommend, for example, a model layout. You only have to access and enter the text item in it, removing particulars specified there, of course, taking them into account.