Supply Chain Management Journal 2018 Volume 9 Number 2
Consumer Value Measurement. Case study: Achievement an Ester Lunch at Home from Various Supermarkets
Virgil POPA
Valahia University of Târgoviște
We continue in this article our study in SCM, volume 8, issue 2.
To substantiate our approach to proposing a value measurement formula to the consumer, we will present in Part Two (in this article some theoretical, literature-related points that relate to new consumer value valences: value creation, co- value creation, customer value-based co-creation, customer experience (CX), customer engagement, low value flow, and low consumption. Customer value from the consumer’s perspective (value for the shopper and consumer) is highlighted the value generated by a product or service of the company, as it is perceived by the customer End-to-End Value Chain. Eating at home is no longer synonymous with cooking from scratch. Today’s definition includes almost any combination of the following: every stage of meal time — preparation, cooking, eating, and cleaning up — presents opportunities to help customers. Lunch is the meal most often eaten away from home — but it’s also the meal with the greatest potential for emphasizing the cost advantages of sourcing from the supermarket. Lunch also gives
retailers the chance to tap the potential for building sales around both at-home and away-from- home occasions.
customer value, consumer, Easter lunch, value co-creation, customer experience, customer engagement, customer-driven value co-creation, lean consumption
December 2018, pp 1 – 25
The concept of reverse logistics in the defective products management – the theoretical approach
Czestochowa University of Technology
Faculty of Management
The ongoing globalization and the growing scale of production, together with environmental degradation, imply the necessity of introducing the concept of sustainable development into the management strategy of contemporary enterprises. This implementation is intended not only to better plan and direct the development of these enterprises, but also to create an economic, social and environmental order. This is particularly important in the activities of manufacturing enterprises, whose activity is based primarily on products, material resources used for their production, technological
processes, distribution and sales, as well as after-sales service and possibilities of end product development or re-use of materials. The cognitive gap regarding reverse logistics of defective products in the management of production enterprises is noticeable in the literature on the subject. This
issue has not yet been sufficiently developed or studied in depth. Striving to fill the literature gap in terms of terminology, essence and the indication of the practical application of reverse logistics processes in managing flows of defective products in manufacturing enterprises has become the premise to take up the topic of this paper. The work is focused on the theoretical presentation, on the base of the literature review, the reverse logistics processes and possibilities to manage the defective products as the content of reverse flow.
management, reverse logistics, defective products, flows, literature review
December 2018, pp 25 – 47
Proprietary Content Management System (CMS) solutions – adequate online tools to boost and maintain competitive advantage
Iliuță Costel NEGRICEA
Tudor EDU
Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
A Content Management System (CMS) platform is absolutely necessary at present for any online business endeavor as it allows for easy, fast and reliable resource management. A CMS platform can act as an infrastructure/environment for many types of applications, beginning with simple presentation websites, continuing with product galleries and online shops and concluding with complex applications such as Intranet solutions or even market places. Content Management Solution platforms have modular structures, each module providing different functionalities, suitable examples being content management, databases, Search Engine Optimization, section links, application search engine, interaction tools, newsletter services, different access levels and document management. A CMS solution developed and tailored to the peculiarities of a particular online business renders
significant security and functional advantages. In this regard, a B2B online platform developed for selling stationery is presented. Conclusions and managerial implications are detailed.
Content Management Systems, Online business, proprietary
December 2018, pp 47 – 53
Seasonality of the construction materials logistics flows in the trade perspective
Czestochowa University of Technology
Faculty of Management
The construction materials market is characterized by the specificity of its products and the high seasonality of sales associated with it. Bearing in mind the essence of logistics, which is the delivery of the right product, in the right quantity, to the right customer, at the right time and place and in the state consistent with the order, seasonality disturbs the proper implementation of logistics processes. Due to the seasonality of sales of construction products, logistics in units dealing with them should be organized in a way that takes into account seasonal fluctuations. The purpose of this article is to indicate the phenomenon of seasonality in the sale of construction materials and analysis of the possibilities that will allow the correct organization of logistics processes taking into account this seasonality. The study was prepared based on the analysis of the sales process of construction materials in the X market. The sales seasonality index was used, illustrating the fluctuations in demand and supply in individual months. On this basis, the market of building materials was analyzed and the ways of organizing logistics processes were indicated in such a way that the seasonality was used as an opportunity and not as a threat.
seasonality, construction materials, logistics, flows, trade, sales, market
December 2018, pp 53 – 65
Rapid Value-Chain and SWOT Analyses of Ginger for Alternative Market Creation in South-East, Nigeria
J. O. Nwaekpe
N. Onyemauwa
I. Nwokocha
J. E. Ewuziem
H. N. Anyaegbunam
G. N. Asumugha
National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Abia State
B. Dent
R. Collins
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Value-chain analysis is a research method which identifies opportunities in the chain that will enhance its performance and returns it to its participants. Value-chains are market-oriented because they focus on what consumers’ value and the analysis reveals inconsistencies in the chain and provides a framework for resolving them. Rapid value-chain analysis is a micro-level value chain analysis which involves conducting first of all a consumer research before investigating the chain itself. There is a high potential for expanding the ginger market in Nigeria. This is as a result of steady increase in local demand following increased awareness of their health benefits. Therefore, diagnosing the value chain of ginger through rapid value-chain approach would provide useful guidance for inclusive interventions that will improve performance of the chain. This study addressed the following specific objectives: to understand consumers’ value and preferences for ginger; to identify the opportunities and vulnerabilities of ginger value chain in South-east, Nigeria through Value chain and SWOT analyses; to improve the demonstration chain’s competitiveness by creating value and reducing waste. The study was conducted in Abia state, Nigeria. Purposive and snow-balling sampling techniques were used to select input suppliers, farmers, wholesaler, retailers, processor, and consumers. Data for this study was collected through qualitative methods. This includes consumer FGDs, Intercept interviews, and Semi-structured interviews. Findings revealed a generally basic/transactional relationship and information flow among the chain actors as a result of lack of trust. The study thus, concludes measures to improve the relationship and information flow in the demonstration chain.
Rapid value-chain analysis; Ginger; SWOT analysis; Alternative market; South-east, Nigeria
December 2018, pp 65 – 77
Integrating the Supply Chain to Excel: The Moderating Role of Competitive Strategy
Richmond ANSAH
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
This research expands the evolving information body about supply chain management (SC) activities by re-evaluating the links that supply chain integration (SCI) have with financial and operational performance by subjecting under-tier competitive strategy. Data was collected using questionnaires from 120 firms operating in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and regular regression models. The descriptive results achieved found that a reasonable level of SCI has already been achieved by firms with average performance but the degree of integration varies greatly when it comes to supplier integration. The analysis of moderate hierarchical regression has yielded results that support the theory and reinforce the latest findings of empirical research that SCI positively affects firm performance. The study further found that internal integration is much more accessible than the integration of consumers and suppliers, and the integration of suppliers is less
practiced among firms. The results of the research provide three inferences to the literature, namely: (1) latest lighting has been cast on the role of SC departments in assisting organizations to appropriately endorse SC management practices, (2) provide a confirmation of potential effect of the context of the operating environment to the extent that firms can advance in efforts towards integration, and (3) provide suggestion of the moderate role played by competitive strategy on the relationship between SCI and operational performance.
Supply Chain Integration, firm performance, Competitive Strategy
December 2018, pp 77 – 95
Management of Value and Real Estate Property
Tomasz Marchewka
Robert Głowacki
Agata Jarosz
Czestochowa University of Technology
Predicting the trends of price changes on the real estate market leads to taking the appropriate decisions in the problematic areas of the value management of property, as well as in the procedure of valuating real estate. Various approaches in terms of determining time trends and a variety of determinants influencing the value of real estate which have an effect on the scant justification of the mathematical accuracy of the models arising from the sectoral norms. The implementation of the chain index method for the purpose of estimating the quantitative changes in the narrow segment of the real estate market, namely the market of undeveloped plots of land, causes the illustration of a strong correlation between the number of quotations and the trend of changes in value. On the basis of the example of the price quotations for plots of land within the city boundaries of Czechoslovak over the past 10 years, in the herein paper a forecast for the fluctuations in values has been prepared, while also a number of quotations for the forthcoming years. The research results attained have been listed directly with the equations of time trends that have been directly estimated for the particular market segment.
analysis of number of quotations, chain index, time trend, value of plot of land
December 2018, pp 95 – 107
The Role of Digitization in the Relations of Public Officials with Clients in the Logistic Management of Public Administration
Seweryn CICHOŃ
Czestochowa University of Technology
Czestochowa Poland
It is noted that digitization has a significant impact on logistic management in public administration, which concerns, inter alia, increasing the efficiency of public administration functions, improving the quality of services provided to the client, improving processes within state organizations, human resources management, including improving individual skills, competences and work efficiency. Digitization causes widespread, multilateral and global changes in the activities of officials of state organizations. Officials through availability via digital media for general and specialist knowledge are more competitive on the market, reliable in use, professional and competent. Digital devices provide not only multimedia and communication connectivity,
but also excellent innovative solutions in the field of staff functioning in public administration.
logistic administration management, digitization, official, human resources management, state authorities
December 2018, pp 107 – 115
Service Logistics and Relationship Management in the Bank
Dagmara BUBEL
Magdalena CICHOŃ
Czestochowa University of Technology
ING Bank Śląski SA
Czestochowa Poland
The banking services market is growing more and more dynamically, which makes it increasingly difficult to achieve a lasting competitive advantage. Maintaining regular contacts with clients is one of the most important factors determining the victory on the difficult market of banking services. As shown in the article, logistics is an essential binder connecting the banking system with the implementation of customer needs in the banking service. A significant role in the whole system is the way of managing relations towards the client as well as to the bank employee. The multiplicity of contact channels significantly improves the possibility of implementing many processes related to the banking service. In turn, a large number of efficient distribution channels affect the management of customer relationships and the perception of the bank by their clients. The aim of the article is to discuss the logistics process in banking services and their inter dependencies and to show how to manage the relationships that occur in the bank.
logistics, bank, customer, management, system.
December 2018, pp 115 – 123
Conditions for the Location of European Logistics Centers
Katarzyna GRONDYS
Czestochowa University of Technology
Faculty of Management
Logistics centers are an important element of the logistics infrastructure of each country. Their quantity and modernity is a factor of economic development, which contributes to the continuous increase in the efficiency of logistic channels and, as a result, to the development of cities and regions. Choosing the location of a logistics center is one of the most important investment decisions in terms of infrastructure. The article presents the most important definitions and criteria for the location of centers. The literature analysis was supplemented with the identification and analysis of the
conditions of the location of logistics centers in selected EU countries. The purpose of the article was to identify key factors in the expansion of the logistics centers network.
management, logistics center, distribution process
December 2018, pp 123 – 130
The Implementation of CRM Logistic System into Non- Profit Organizations
Europejski Niezależny Instytut Globalnych Myśli Autokreatywnych
Dagmara BUBEL
Czestochowa University of Technology
The non-profit organizations as far as their definition, operate regardless to profits, which is not synonymous with the fact that they do not make the profits. It is worth noticing that in case of non-profit organizations, contrary to business sector organizations, their fundamental source of income is derived from donators and is used as an investment in self-development. The relationship with the donators is recognized to be the crucial factor as far as the development of non-profit sector. Achieving the objectives is dependent on the number of donators, sponsors, as well as the volunteers. They contribute a prominent data, and the one requires precise organization as well as coordination. In the submitted publication the possibility of the implementation of CRM system in non-profit sector will be discussed as well as its influence on the development of this type of organizations.
non- profit organizations, logistics, CRM, non- profit sector, customer relationship management
December 2018, pp 130 – 135
The Impact of CRM on Customer Retention. The Case Study
Europejski Niezależny Instytut Globalnych Myśli Autokreatywnych
Dagmara BUBEL
Czestochowa University of Technology
Nowadays, customers are recognized to be a valuable factor as far as company management with the power to change its short-term and long-term polices and strategies. Therefore, in today’s highly competitive environment, understanding the customer and building the relationship based on loyalty with the customer is the main business objective. CRM is one of marketing tools that may enable the company to manage the customer relationship in an organized way. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of CRM conditions on customer allegiance in the hostel business.
CRM, customer relationship management, customer retention, marketing strategies, relationship marketing, customer loyalty, hostel
December 2018, pp 135 – 145