Supply Chain Management Journal 2016, Volume 7, Number 2
Role and Importance of Packaging in Supply Chain Management
Saurav ANAND
B. Pharma
Packaging Technologist (PGDPT) IIP, MBA, IIMM
Famy Care Ltd.
Virgil POPA
Valahia University of Târgovişte
Packaging is a coordinated system of preparing goods for safe, secure, efficient and effective handling, transport, distribution, storage, retailing, consumption and recovery, reuse or disposal combined with maximizing consumer value, sales and hence profit (Saghir, 2002). Above it’s fundamental function of protecting, containing and preserving the product, the functions of packaging are manifold and complex and the definition here can be
related to three main categories i.e. logistics, marketing and environment. The packaging system has significant implications in operation management In order to obtain successful management of operations, packaging assumes a fundamental role along the whole supply chain and has to be connected with logistics, marketing, production, and environment aspects. Packaging logistics is new concept that integrating packaging and logistics systems with the potential of increased supply chain efficiency and effectiveness, through the improvement of both packaging and logistics related activities. New design requirements have been added for packaging: on the one hand, to improve the differentiation capacity of the product, and on the other, to improve the efficiency of the product at logistic level. Furthermore, this contribution of packaging to efficiency in logistics should be considered not only in terms of its direct view (in the processes of supplying, packing, handling, storing and transport), but also reversely (re-use, recycling and/or
recovery waste from packaging); this situation has meant, in practice, the development of specific legislation, modularity, standardization of formats and qualities, re-use, recycling). Packaging also affects supply chain effectiveness because it represents an interface between the supply chain and its main customer: the end user and enables the chain’s primary task i.e. serving end consumers, to be accomplished. This is especially evident in the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) supply chain. The paper will be continued with the part two in the next number) – The Future of Pakaging in CG Industry. Standards and best practices
supplying, packing, handling, storing and transport, packaging logistic, operation management, supply chain, recycling, environmental aspects.
December 2016, pp 1 – 16
Trends and Development Barriers of Courier Services Market in Poland
Czestochowa University of Technology
Courier services market in Poland is experiencing a period of dynamic development. In recent years we have seen a number of changes in this area. In the article, the author analyzes the trends and development of courier services in Poland. In addition, on the basis of the studies, the author defines the main development barriers to such services in Poland.
trends, development barriers, courier services market, Polish market
December 2016, pp 16 – 26
Green supply chain–drivers for greening
Czestochowa University of Technology
Nowadays, greening the supply chain is a growing concern for many enterprises. The aim of the article is to present the factors that affect the greening the supply chain. There are external and internal factors that affect the greening of supply chain. Creating a green supply chains results from a desire to take into account this concept not only within the company but also its relationship with the environment. The first group of factors are environmental standards like ISO 14001 or EMAS. ISO 14001 is one of the most important vehicle for improving the supply chain. The amendment of ISO 14001 standard stress not only the operational control practices but also the the context of the organization including regulation and stakeholders threats (risks). Certification of suppliers’ environmental managements systems is one of the most crucial factor for greening the supply chain. Environmental collaboration with customers and suppliers can also foster the greening the supply chain. The greening the supply chain is depended on the environmental practices within the firms.
green supply chain, factors, enterprises.
December 2016, pp 36 – 46
Evaluation of Logistics Customer Service in Performance of Courier Services
Katarzyna GRONDYS
Czestochowa University of Technology
The article focuses on the presentation of the implementation of courier services in the context of logistics customer service as a key factor conditioning the choice of courier and re-use it. It is characterized by elements of the logistics courier companies that could significantly affect the process of delivery courier and decide about the perception of the company by customers. Shows a selection of customer service strategies applicable to courier companies, as well as efforts were made to indicate the factors affecting the quality of service in the implementation of courier services.
Identified elements of the logistic customer service in the implementation of courier services that customers courier companies indicated as important when choosing a supplier of transport services. The evaluation of selected elements of the logistic customer service in the implementation of courier services and highlights which of the three phases of the logistics customer service plays the most important role.
management, logistics customer service, courier company, courier service, service quality
December 2016, pp 46 – 54
Management of the safety stock in terms of value
Katarzyna GRONDYS
Czestochowa University of Technology
Striving to meet the needs of customers requires increasing the productivity and the ability to produce new goods. It imposes a company need to store the appropriate type and level of inventory production. On the one hand, excessive inventories lead to the freezing of capital, secondly, inadequate amount of resources can generate loss of the product or manufacturing process downtime. This dilemma is a key issue of the search for balance between the costs of safety stock and the costs and risks associated with the lack of them when needed. The aim of paper is analyze the basic problems of storing inventories necessary in maintaining the continuity of production in the industry. Due to the complexity of the subject, the article performs on the ways of a supply of spare parts, which appropriate selection depending on individual needs and circumstances of organizational and technical entity, may lead to a reduction disbursed for the purchase of part of the capital. The effect of research is identification of the best solution is to maintain the buffer stock, using the services of spare parts warehouses with fast delivery options or the guarantee of fast delivery of spare parts directly from the producer included in the agreement.
inventory, cost of inventory, safety stock, production process, management of spare parts
December 2016, pp 54 – 60
Customer service in terms of Quality Management System in Polish enterprises
Robert SAŁEK
Czestochowa University of Technology
The aim of this article is to examine the impact of quality systems on customer service in companies. Custom constituting the most important part of modern business enterprises should take into account quality standards. Customizing the activities of the Quality Management System increases its market opportunities and helps in gaining and retaining customers. The article carried out a study to quantify the effect of the implementation of the Quality Management System at the customer service in the company X. The analysis shows the relationship between service quality and customer service.
quality management system, quality standards, logistic customer service, competitiveness, enterprise
December 2016, pp 60 – 69
The meaning of forecasting in the production materials supply process
Katarzyna GRONDYS
Czestochowa University of Technology
One of the key logistics processes emanated outside is the supply process considered as a entity’s reinforcement with the necessary materials, raw materials or goods. It plays an important role, both in the level of customer service and rationalize the flow of goods through the recognition of a certain level and volume of the costs associated with purchasing. The decision to outsource the process to a large extent depends on analysis of the company’s production needs, correctly performed, in which a forecast is an effective tool. The main object of this article is to evaluate the meaning of the forecast in a supply process, as a result of theoretical and practical considerations.
forecast, supply, stock, outsourcing
December 2016, pp 69 – 75
The Role of Soft Skills in the Profession of Logisticians
Czestochowa University of Technology
The phenomena occurring in today’s economy, like globalization, growing customer expectations or changing and increasing risks, find their reflection in the dynamic growth of logistics. Logistics responds to the advancing individualization and specialization of services, and when combined with the development of new technologies, it is faced with the need to look for new employees with special competencies. Among the desired competencies soft skills start to play a significant role. The aim of this paper is to present research results concerning the importance of this type of skills (including
their categorization) among the requirements for candidates applying for jobs in logistics. The study involves the analysis of job offers for logisticians, published on internet portals in May 2016.
logisticians, jobs in logistics, soft skills, trends in logistics
December 2016, pp 75 – 83