Supply Chain Management Journal 2016, Volume 7, Number 1
Using RFID Technology Validation Process for Travel Tickets on Railway
Maria Claudia SURUGIU
“POLITEHNICA” University of
Bucharest Romania
The network transport of the railway, based on interconnection and interoperability of the national transportation network, including the railway which is a major factor in competitive economical of the U.E. As part of the U.E., this construction of the railway transport, a number of European coordinators have the task to input multi-national railway projects. The present paper has the role improving the system for buying and validating ticket for railway transport. The basic principle is to create an easy method for applying validation for a travel ticket for each individually person. This idea has the role to offer a pleasure for every human. To take advantage of it, we do this through a Smartphone using a special application which offers this intelligent service. The ticket is digital, with an efficient encryption which can be only recognized by the authorized devices. The ticket contains information about railway, distance, eventually delays, special travel destination, weather, time left and tracking route in real time. Next step is to maintain the validation of the trip until your final destination. Due to technology, the possibilities that is needed to input is not anymore and impediment. To be operational, can take as an example the basic control of ETCS (European Train Control System) method route. For this system it is necessary minim L2 ETCS (Level 2 European Train Control System), exactly when the train steps over the balise, the interconnection of information will be sent via a radio connection to the RBC (Radio Block Centre, example) and this system will be secure thanks to GSM-R system, receiving an unique ID for the present train. The RBC sends information to confirm that the ticket remains valid, plus other necessary information about the track.
RFID technology, interoperability, validating ticket
June 2016, pp 1 – 9
Transport Sector Functioning and its Development Directions in Poland
Czestochowa University of
Technology, Poland
Efficiently functioning transport system is one of the key factors conditioning living conditions of inhabitants and economic development of the country. Social and economic development, on the local, regional, national and international level implies the development of transportation needs, which are carried out through various transport branches. On the other hand transport is one of the most important factors which determine social and economic development of the country or region. In the Polish economy the two transport branches are of key importance namely road and rail transport. They have a huge share in the transport structure of both goods and passengers. The present paper includes an analysis of changes undergoing in the rail and road transport in Poland in the years 2006-2013 and presents development perspectives of these two transport branches in the context of the assumptions of the Transport Development Strategy (with the perspective until the year 2030).
Poland, transport, transport policy, development
June 2016, pp 9 – 21
Information Management and Company’s Management Improvement
Tomasz LIS
Czestochowa University of Technology
The improvement process is an integral process in contemporary economic activity. Changes at the markets and in every field having influence on company’s functioning, its range and rapidity, force to taking adjustable activities permanently. Taking account the speed and range of changes, together with the increasing competitiveness, it may be assumed that adjusting relies, to a large degree, on constant improvement. Once of the major factors, influencing the company’s position in a such reality, is the information, including the effectiveness of its management. Taking account the fact that every action is the result of information, it generates the information causing reactions as well. In authors’ opinion it can be assumed that improvement is, in fact, an informational activity which effectiveness is directly influenced by the effectiveness of information management.
information management, improvement, company, competitiveness, effectiveness
June 2016, pp 21 – 29
Plan for the Development of Transport Infrastructure in Katowice and Czechoslovak in the Context of Improving the Flow in the Supply Chain
Czestochowa University of
Technology Poland
The article explains the concept of the supply chain. Then, the role of the transport infrastructure of particular cities in ensuring the reliability of supply chains is considered. The main objective of the article was to present the results of the author’s own research – the conducted survey helped assess the quality of the road transport and parking infrastructure in selected cities of Silesia Province. Among those, two cities with district rights are enumerated – Katowice and Czestochowa. Moreover, the article proposes actions to be implemented in the cities listed in it. These actions seek to improve the quality of their transport infrastructure. As a result, they are to increase the reliability of supplies in urban areas.
supply chain, road transport infrastructure, parking infrastructure
June 2016, pp 29 – 40
Problems in the Relationships Between the Participants in Supply Chains of Food Products in the European Union
Czestochowa University of
Technology Poland
In the paper, there is presented the problem associated with the perception of the supply chain in Poland and the countries of the European Union, followed by the description of the significance of the strategy in management of the company operating on the global market. There have also been pointed out the preferences and barriers in contacts between the participants, particularly taking into account food supply chains in the area of the European Union. In the paper, there has been made an attempt to assess the ways of solving problems associated with unfair commercial practices in supply chains of the EU countries.
supply chain, strategy, globalization, unfair commercial practices
June 2016, pp 40 – 51
Information Resources in Terms of Secure Supply Chains of Enterprise
Agnieszka PUTO
Czestochowa University of
Technology Poland
In the era of the knowledge-based economy and global competition, the introduction of an efficient management system of information resources for supply chain security is one of the most important issues faced by contemporary enterprises. The research carried out on behalf of the Oracle company indicates that the majority of companies from Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) are not able to protect their value chains against unexpected events. This paper attempts to assess the sources of threats to information resources recorded using information technologies and indicate the courses of actions to be taken in order to secure supply chains among enterprises. The analysis of the collected data indicates that the implemented technological transformations provide business benefits; and despite a few major barriers affecting the use of a new model of access to technologies in the field of information processing in enterprises operating in Poland, the final balance of supply chain security is positive.
supply Chain Security Management, information resources, model cloud computing, information technology, security techniques
June 2016, pp 51 – 61
Green Solutions in Global Energy Supply Chain
Katarzyna SZYMCZYK
Czestochowa University of Technology
The aim of the paper is to introduce and discuss the newest data and solutions in energy supply chain management around the world that in future may revolutionize the global exploitation of gas as the energy source and help to reduce carbon dioxide emission at the same time. The author focuses on the modern and innovative technology in LNG supply chain in comparison to the pioneering and imminent design of using hydrogen as a potential fuel for motive power and the hydrogen supply chains as the newest proposal of the overall energy system on a global scale.
supply chain, energy, ecology, green logistics
June 2016, pp 61 – 70
The Role of Aviation Transport in the Polish National Transportation System
Robert SAŁEK
Czestochowa University of
Technology Poland
Efficiency of national transportation system is crucial element for economy and society. Aviation transport as the most rapidly developing sector and constitutes a significant element in the domestic system of transport. The progressing globalization has an impact on the particular areas of the economy, including transport, which facilitates the efficient functioning of all walks of life. During the last years we have seen the rapid growth in relation to other branches of transport. Considering the most important features, that is the speed and safety, it is the best alternative for carriers. A key element in the functioning of the air transport is infrastructure. Its development is one of the most valid questions for the national transportation system. Rational geographical distribution of airports and availability of a wider infrastructure to facilitate communication with other transport modes are the key factors for effective functioning and use of resources. Aviation transport, together with the fast developing information technology constitutes the foundation of the infrastructure of globalization. Indeed, it is one of the distinguishable branches of transport that illustrates global characteristics, although the market of aviation transport deliveries functions in the environs of global competition. Thus, aviation transport is created by the processes of globalization, while simultaneously being subjected to them. The article discusses the problems of air transport in Polish transportation system. Analyzing the topic author presented the issue of the national transportation system emphasizing its importance for the national economy. One of the most important issues are the prospects for the selected mode of transport and economic aspects for regional and local development.
aviation transport, development, transport system
June 2016, pp 70 – 78
Evaluation of Logistics Customer Service on the Example of Online Shopping in the Retail Chain
Katarzyna ŁUKASIK
Czestochowa University of
Technology Poland
Nowadays, each aspect of the operation of the enterprise may constitute an advantage in a competitive battle. This battle is fought for each customer. The role of logistics in this area has been significantly increasing, which is affected by increasing globalization and technological progress. This area of logistics is being examined by many theoreticians. Practitioners are constantly working on its improvement. Logistics customer service has become the focus of attention mainly due to the popularization of Internet sales (e- shopping, online shopping). The aim of the paper is to show logistics customer service (mainly exemplified by online shopping) in the analyzed retail chain and the evaluation of its effectiveness along with an attempt to identify the possibility of its improvements. In the paper, there has been applied the methodology of the review of the literature of the examined subject matter and branch reports – DTS Research, the website of the analyzed retail chain and the materials provided by the Tesco retail chain. In the empirical part of the paper, there has been applied the case study describing logistics customer service in the examined network and the survey.
logistics customer service, e-shopping, logistics, services
June 2016, pp 78 – 94
The Role and Significance of Information in Customer Service System in a Shipping Company
Częstochowa University of
Technology Poland
In current times information and the possibilities of its use play a very important role in almost every sphere of life. Its importance is noticeable not only in everyday life but in business as well, and thus in the company’s proper functioning. The issue related to the use of information in business management and customer service standards are interrelated and interdependent as the high level of customer service offered by the company cannot exist without accurately and precisely used information, and vice versa properly and efficiently functioning system of customer service provides valuable information about the company related to its financial condition or market opinion. The main issues presented in this article is the role and importance of information and characteristics of the process of its use in customer service logistics, with particular emphasis on shipping companies.
information, customer service, shipping company, system, logistics
June 2016, pp 94 – 106
Agile – A New Approach for Quality Improvement Initiatives within Customer Service
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
The today’s economy requires innovative approaches to fulfill customer ́s needs and the capability to adapt to new technologies and to rapidly changing market and customer demands as fast as possible. For customer service providers in their high competitive and global growing market it is essential to provide perfect service quality to their customers to ensure their economic survival and sustainability. That’s why almost every operation run continuous improvement projects on daily basis and show a constant need of new approaches. Unfortunately, those initiatives often fail, because of too less commitment and sustainability or take too long with too much efforts. In the nineties the software development industry was facing the challenge that their development cycles were too long and they had problems to react on changing requirements. That is why they were looking for a timelier
and responsive approach to shorten the development cycles and have a better fulfillment of the more demanding customer expectations. This was the hour of birth of the agile development methodology. Based on actual studies and surveys Agile has shown a rapid growth over the last years and to found one ́s way also in to other business areas. Starting from those two facts mentioned above the author had decided to analyses the significant characteristics of Agile and whether the methodology can be adapted to the quality improvement process within customer service operations. The main purpose of the present study was to determine the agile methodology and process, the benefits and requirements. This was done through a literature research and the evaluation of existing studies. In a second step the similarities were carved out and the process was mapped to the PDSA cycle for the continuous improvement process. The obtained results were flown into a recommendation for a new approach for quality improvement initiatives planning and proceeding.
agile development methodology, quality improvement, customer satisfaction, customer service, project planning, PDCA cycle.
June 2016, pp 106 – 116