Supply Chain Management Journal 2017, Volume 8, Number 2
Customer Value Measurement. Proposal for Value Measurement Model
Virgil POPA
Valahia University of Târgoviște
Creating Value, and more focused to lead on customer value as the next best strategy in perspective for every organization. The term ”customer value” issued in a variety of contexts: delivering customer value, perceiving customer value, customer lifetime value. The objectives of this paper is, first: to undertake a literature review of the different perspective of value, customer value and strategic (supply chain organizations) value chain; second to review the model to measurement the customer value and three: to generate a proposal for an formula that introduce the new element for example experience. The paper is divide in that 1 st part is presented in SCM Journal Volume 8 Number 2 and the second part will be presented in the next number (continuation in SCM Journal Volume 9, Number 1) when I present the concept of co-creation value in an example of Value Measurement.
Value, Customer Value, Desired Customer Value, Delivered Value, Received Value, Customer Value Management, Customer Enthusiasm
December 2017, pp 1 – 23
Iot and The Retail Revolution – The New Wave
Alexandru TĂBUȘCĂ
Gabriel GARAIS
Silvia-Maria TĂBUȘCĂ
Romanian-American University, Romania
The virtual explosion of new Internet of Things (IoT) usage scenarios during the last couple of years, teamed up with the lowering of prices on the hardware side, are the premises of a possible retail inventory revolution. While RFID tracking for inventory items, for example, was something heralded from the start of the current millennia, the real-world shows us that today, even on the highly-developed retail markets of the western civilization like countries (EU, US, Australia, South Korea, Japan etc.), the actual use of electronic automated tracking systems for inventory is not as common as one
might think. Only now, given a range of cumulative factor, this option might become prevalent for the retail industry. The constant improvement of IoT devices, coupled with the lower production prices, make e-inventory not only a fashionable and desirable fact but also a very tangible reality for more and more entrepreneurs. But, together with these new e-tracking possibilities we should not forget that we also get a new series of possible issues that the law should encompass.
IoT, Internet of Things, online retail, RFID, e-inventory, electronic tracking, human security, IoT law
December 2017, pp 23 – 30
Analysis of Smart Security Parking Solutions for Freight Trucks
Oana Vasilica BARNA
Maria Claudia SURUGIU
RazvanAndrei GHEORGHIU
Angel Ciprian CORMOȘ
“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania
Freight transport represents an important pillar in European economy. In many countries the focus for freight movement is on the rail transport. But the road transport still represents an important part of commodities transport process, especially in countries like Romania where rail transport does not provide enough facilities and, hence, don’t represent a sustainable solution.However, in road transport field there are some strict conditions cargo drivers must obey, both for driving and resting times. Usually, the schedule is not made for the driver’s convenience and, in order to have a better driving efficiency, but with respect for those regulations, they must find a parking place that is closest to the maximum driving limit, regardless other conditions. Therefore, in this article, the authors have performed an analysis for conditions that must be met by truck parking to provide a proper space for drivers during their resting time, combined with an overview of the solutions that may be implemented to facilitate parking in those areas.
parking, security, smart solutions, cargo transport, freight.
December 2017, pp 30 – 43
Consumer Driven Logistics: Case Study on Ukrainian Fast Moving Consumer Goods
O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Kharkiv, Ukraine,
The development of logistics approach based on consumer’s cost-benefit opens new opportunities to improve their service and the efficiency of the logistics system. The article examined influence of consumer’s zones on the logistics system; defined it’s place in the logistics system; Revealed prerequisites that determine necessity of considering consumers in logistics system. Purpose is to formalize some regularities of demand influence on logistics system functioning. Proposed model can be used for evaluating logistics system efficiency according to external consumption system data. Give practical advice for improving logistics systems according to consumer’s choice and behavior. Implications made for on one of the consumer’s zone. Limitations consist of data used in experiment. Extend range of data could provide new regularities and update found one. Obtained regularities give
opportunity to better reacting on consumer’s choice and behavior and tune logistics system according to it.
buyer, logistics, system, material, flow, expenses, modeling
December 2017, pp 43 – 54
Our Services Green Logistics – Challenges for European Enterprises
Czestochowa University of Technology
Increased waste quantity, especially in industry, high emission of air pollution and high use of energy have caused to exploration of new concept and tools for environmental oriented management in enterprises. Green logistics is such a concept. It is understood as any activities to reduce the negative impact of the logistics processes on environment. Green logistics is increasingly becoming an important marketing tool. It is a kind of side effect of processes aimed at offering new value to customers and creating long-term relationships with them. The aim of the article is to identify the directions of activities in the field of green logistics, especially in the areas of transport, energy production and waste management. Statistical data on air pollutant emissions, the amount of waste generated, the amount of recovered waste, the energy consumption and the use of materials in European Union countries in the years 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 are presented. Based on analysis of dynamics of the changes of presented data, it was pointed out the need to implement green logistics solutions in enterprises. Additionally, classification of countries similar in terms of isolated variables was performed using multivariate statistical analysis.
green logistics, logistics processes, enterprises management, environmental activities.
December 2017, pp 54 – 62
The Impact of the EU ETS on the Sustainable Development of Air Transport
Czestochowa University of Technology
The intensive development of passengers and cargo air transport in recent years has been associated with several negative environmental effects, such as noise, climate change and the emissions of different pollutants. These environmental problems may be mitigated in ways that are compatible with social and economic interests. The integration of environmental concerns into the EU climate, energy and transport policies is needed in order to achieve the sustainability development of air transport. Therefore, in 2012 most carbon dioxide emissions from commercial flights have been covered by the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), if only the airline or operator is based in the EU region. Due to the mandatory participation in the EU carbon market, aircraft operators must settle the previous year’s emissions from their flights arriving at or departing from the EU airports by the European Union Aviation Allowances (EUAA). The market price of the EU aviation allowances and their volatility scale will condition the efficiency of EU ETS system impact as a tool of environmental management that limits the CO2 emission in the aviation sector. Therefore, Markov switching auto-regressive models with conditional heteroskedasticity (MS(N)-AR(m)-GARCH (p, q)) are used to identify periods of increased price volatility of the EUAA futures contracts and to estimate the conditional variance on this basis.
sustainable air transport, EU ETS, CO2 emissions, aviation allowances, volatility
December 2017, pp 62 – 74
Effect of Physical Security Initiatives on Supply Chain Performance
Abd`Elaziz HASHEM
Faculty of Business Administration
Cairo University, Egypt
Physical security is often a second thought when it comes to information security. Since physical security has technical and administrative elements, it is often overlooked because most organizations focus on “technology-oriented security countermeasures” (Harris, 2013) to prevent hacking attacks. Hacking into network systems is not the only way that sensitive information can be stolen or used against an organization. Physical security must be implemented correctly to prevent attackers from gaining physical access and take what they want. All the firewalls, cryptography and other security measures would be useless if that were to occur. The challenges of implementing physical security are much more problematic now than in previous decades. Laptops, USB drives, tablets, flash drives and smartphones all have the ability to store sensitive data that can be lost or stolen. Organizations have the daunting task of trying to safeguard data, equipment, people, facilities, systems, and company assets.
Physical Security, Supply chain performance, Egyptian automotive industry
December 2017, pp 74 – 88
Automated Guided Vehicle Management Within a Warehouse
Mihai-Nicolae POPESCU
Angel Ciprian CORMOŞ
Politehnica University of Bucharest
In logistics, as in other areas, one of the major problems the industry faces is the lack of specialized workforce combined with the aging of the workforce. To combat these problems, companies will have to raise costs and cut back on services or invest in process automation, which will increase productivity. In the case of automated guided vehicles to minimize the effect of latency, the management service should place critical services closer to the work area allowing tasks to be performed within the allocated range Automated Guided Vehicle management service co-ordinates user requests and activities by matching robots with required tasks according to an optimization criteria. The management software is installed on a server provided by the client. The control software can then be accessed from any PC or mobile device in the company network that has a authorization level. The purpose of this paper is to describe the Automated Guided Vehicles working mode in a warehouse after a predetermined algorithm.
automated Guided Vehicles, monitoring, logistics, warehouse, automation, robotics
December 2017, pp 88 – 110